Shep brings Jubal to his ranch and offers him a job, which doesn't go over too well with cowhand Pinky (Rod Steiger, as a very effective villain) although the other man, violin-playing Sam (Noah Beery, whose voice is as distinctive here as it is in Something to Get Hung About, where he plays the Sheriff), is friendly enough and tries to be the peacemaker between them.
Jubal is a film that is mostly psychological rather than action-oriented. Jubal impresses Shep and is offered the job of foreman, which angers Pinky since he's been working on the ranch a lot longer than Jubal. Pinky then proceeds to foment trouble between Shep and Jubal whenever he can, and Pinky's words have serious repercussions. And Mae, who has already seduced one cowhand, makes repeated attempts to seduce Jubal and his determined and continued refusal angers her, with tragic results.
There is a subplot in Jubal about a group of religious pioneers heading westward to the "promised land," which serves as a counterpoint to the behavior of the cattlemen but otherwise seems awkward in the movie. Jack Elam (Boot Coby in Bad Night in Big Butte) has a cameo but the role is very small and I didn't recognize him.
There is also a scene about thirty minutes into the movie involving cougars, which naturally reminded me of The Fifth Victim. The color seemed a bit faded in the DVD I watched but the scenery--according to IMDb, the movie was filmed around Jackson Hole, Wyoming--was great. My favorite line was uttered by Shep, "You fellas were any slower, you'd be doin' yesterday's work!" At 101 minutes, this 1956 movie is an interesting alternative to the more common shoot-'em-up Westerns of this era.